We have designed this guide with the newcomer to the building permit process in mind. It details the steps involved in obtaining a building permit – from preliminary review through final approval. This information will help those who have had little or no experience with the building permit process. Experienced building professionals will also find information about the required amount of processing time useful for their scheduling.
Building Permits: When are they required? Generally, you need to obtain a building permit from the Village whenever you construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, remove, improve, convert, or demolish a building or other structure. A building could be anything from a tool shed to a house. A Building Permit may include services for grading, plumbing, mechanical and electrical. To apply you must turn in an application package at the Village Hall consisting of: Completed application and related forms, Two copies of required plans and supporting documentation (structural, energy, soils analysis if needed.) The application packet is available at the Village Hall and on our website. If you have a question about permit requirements for your project, call the Village Hall at 815-725-8937.
Preliminary Review: Before you apply we encourage you to call or visit us before you submit your building permit application. We will answer your questions and let you know if your proposed project is within the Village of Rockdale’s development guidelines. Once submitted, your project will require approval through a review process from our Construction Code Services Company who handles all of our reviews and inspections. Remember, the permit process can be complex, even for those experienced with it.
The Review Process: What happens next? After your application is submitted, we will review your plans. Depending on the nature of the project, the review could take a few weeks to process. The Inspection Company will determine compliance with building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, disabled access compliance, International Building codes and the Rockdale Village Ordinance regulations.
Applying for a Permit: How long will it take? The Village reviews applications and sends them off for review. We are committed to processing your plans as quickly and efficiently as possible. Typically, we require two to three weeks for basic residential projects. Please plan ahead. Major Residential or Commercial projects require longer. We are not responsible for how long each permit takes. If it’s submitted right the first time and all of the documents submitted are accurate, that makes a huge difference in the process. The Village will notify you when the initial plan review for your project is completed. If the plans cannot be approved as submitted, we will provide you with lists of necessary corrections from your reviewed plans. Submitting thorough and complete plans initially will help avoid numerous revisions.
Issuing the Permit: After the Village determines that the plans satisfy all code requirements, you will be notified of the approval and asked to pay fees for the permit and the required inspection points throughout the project. Upon payment, we will issue a building permit.
Inspections: We will inspect your project as work progresses. The Village requires 24-hour notice prior to a needed inspection. A phone number for the person to contact for each inspection will be required. Failure to be on site for the inspection, canceled inspections or failed inspections will be charged accordingly.
Why is the permit process so complex? The process of issuing a building permit may seem complex, which it is. It involves many Village staff members and outside agencies, and it may include a separate Planning process. The Village is required by law to enforce numerous Federal, State and local construction and development regulations to insure that your project is safe and is an asset to the community.