We make it easy to pay your water bill by accepting cash, checks, or money orders. A new feature which we encourage all to use, is an on line payment system. Now you can pay using a debit or a credit card for payment. Our Village Hall office hours are from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. If you can’t stop in and pay, please feel free to use our Shiny metal drop box located next to the US Postal Service mail drop box.
Sign-up for Services Requirements
We welcome you to our Village. The sign-up for Water and Sewer services is simple. You must stop in at the Village Hall located at 79 Moen Avenue between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and provide us with your information.
Late Payments
Bills are considered delinquent or late if payment is not received by the 25th day the bill was rendered. If an account remains unpaid after this date, a 30% late fee will be assessed. Failure to receive a bill does not exempt the customer from payment of late fees.
Late fees will apply to those who pay after the 25th of the month due date. Additionally, we require payments in full.
NO payment plans or partial payments are allowed.
Shut-Off Notice
Shut off Notices will be assessed a delinquent account processing fee and be delivered in the form of a phone call or a mailed notice to the service address of the delinquent account. Shut off Notices must be paid the day they are received. All accounts remaining unpaid the following day will be shut off for non-payment.
Re-connection of Service
Once a customer has been disconnected for non-payment, the entire past due balance and all fees must be paid before service is restored. If payment is made before 2:00 p.m. on the disconnection date, we will make every attempt to reconnect service on that day. Please note that it may take up to one full business day to restore service.

Getting to Know Your iPERL Meter
Your iPERL meter display contains important information…

2. Unit of measure -- Village of Rockdale measures in gallons.
3. To check for leaks, use the Flow Direction / Empty Pipe Indicator.4. If there is a plus sign (+) in the middle of this circle, water is passing through the meter.
5. Battery life indicator.
The face of your meter looks something like a car's odometer, and most water meters either have a dial or a digital display. To get your current usage, read the meter and write down the meter reading, then the next day do the same thing and subtract the numbers to find your daily usage. You can also chart your usage at more regular intervals to help you control your water usage. This is especially helpful in the summertime when watering lawns and flowerbeds can cause a dramatic spike in your water usage.
How to read your iPERL meter…
There are several reasons why you might want to locate and read your water meter. First, you might be interested to know how much water you use in a day. By reading your meter at the beginning and end of a day, you can compare the readings to tell how much water you and your family used. The second reason is to check for leaks.
How to check for leaks…
Water leaks can be a very costly and cause property damage. Additionally, leaks can result in very large water bills. Your Sensus IPERL water meter is equipped with a digital LCD register. A plus sign (+) means water is flowing through the meter. If you suspect you have a leak, take the following steps:

2. Turn off all the water fixtures and appliances.
3. Write down the reading again on the meter.
4. Wait approximately 15 minutes.
5. Look at the flow indicator. Does the plus sign (+) disappear or remain?
a. If the (+) sign disappears then the flow of water through the meter has stopped.
b. If the (+) sign remains then a fixture in your home is still using water or you have a leak in your service line between the meter and your home.
I think I have a leak – what could it be?
If you think you have a leak, the most likely culprit is a toilet that is running constantly. A faulty flapper on the toilet can cost you $100 or more a month if it's allowed to run undetected. Other places to look for a leak include the base of your water heater, faucets with faulty washers and even your ice maker (if it fails to shut off as it's supposed to do.) The issue could also be a leaking underground pipe, which are often distinguishable by a patch of green that is noticeably greener than the rest of the lawn. For a leak behind the wall or in a crawl space, look for discolored drywall or ceiling tile.
Lead Information Notice Date: June 11, 2019
Dear Village of Rockdale Water Customer:
Our Village commenced on the Construction of the Moen Avenue and Mound Road Reconstruction Project on March 6, 2019. Part of the project includes the construction of new water mains. The new water mains are required so that old water mains may be removed since they are in areas where new road improvements such as storm sewers, box culverts, and retaining walls will be constructed. The new water mains are scheduled to be installed starting June 25, 2019. This portion of the project may affect the lead content of your potable water supply. Lead, a metal found in natural deposits, is harmful to human health, especially young children. The most common exposure to lead is swallowing or breathing in lead paint chips and dust. However, lead in drinking water can also be a source of lead exposure. In the past, lead was used in some water service lines and household plumbing materials. Lead in water usually occurs through corrosion of plumbing products containing lead; however, disruption (construction or maintenance) of lead service lines may also temporarily increase lead levels in the water supply. This disruption may be sometimes caused by water main maintenance/replacement. As of June 19, 1986, new or replaced water serviced lines and new household plumbing materials could not contain more than 8% lead. Lead content was further reduced on January 4, 2014, when plumbing materials must now be certified as “lead-free" to be used (weighted average of wetted surface cannot be more than 0.25% lead).
The purpose of this Notice is for informational purposes only. While it’s not known for certain whether this construction project will adversely affect the lead plumbing (if present) in and outside your home, the comments below describes some information about the project and some preventative measures you can take to help reduce the amount of lead in drinking water.
Project Started on: March 6, 2019 Water Main installation will occur June 25, 2019 - July 9, 2019.
Project is located on Moen Avenue west of Harris Drive to 250 feet west of Gould Court.
What you can do to reduce lead exposure in drinking water during this construction project:
Run your water to flush out lead. If the plumbing in your home is accessible; you may be able to inspect your own plumbing to determine whether you have a lead service line. Otherwise, you will most likely have to hire a plumber. -
- If you do not have a lead service line, running the water for 2 minutes at the kitchen tap should clear the lead from your household plumbing to the tap. Once you have done this, fill a container with water and store it in the refrigerator for drinking, cooking, and preparing baby formula throughout the
- If you do have a lead service line, flushing times can vary based on the length of your lead service line and the plumbing configuration in your home. The length of lead service lines varies considerably. Flushing for at least 3 - 5 minutes is
Use cold water for drinking, cooking, and preparing baby formula. Do not cook with or drink water from the hot water tap; lead dissolves more easily into hot water. Do not use water from the hot water tap to make baby formula.
Look for alternative sources or treatment of water. You may want to consider purchasing bottled water or a water filter that is certified to remove "total lead".
Clean and remove any debris from faucet aerators on a regular basis. Do not boil water to remove lead. Boiling water will not reduce lead. Purchase lead-free faucets and plumbing components.
Remove the entire lead service line.
Test your water for lead. Call us at the Village Hall: 815-725-8937, to find out how to get your water tested for lead. While we do not do the testing, we can provide a list of laboratories certified to do the testing. Laboratories will send you the bottles for sample collection. Note that we are not affiliated with the laboratories and they will charge you a fee.
- If test results indicate a lead level above 15 ug/L, bottled water should be used by pregnant women, breast• feeding women, young children, and formula-fed
List of testing Labs: Suburban Labs, 708.544.3260 - PDC Labs, 815.344.4044
Remember, this is only cause for concern during the construction phase of the Moen Avenue Reconstruction Project during the removal and replacement of sections of Water main pipes West of Larkin Avenue.